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Resource Announcement: The Joyce Jett-Ali Human Rights Lending Library

Writing a paper or a letter? Need talking points? Curious to learn more so you can better fight the good fight? Perhaps we can help.

The family of my wonderful aunt and former Naches Heights resident, Joyce Jett-Ali, has shared the following publications with me. I was fortunate enough to be taken under Joyce's wing at an early age and I am honored to hold a small piece of the rich legacy of love and dignity that she left behind. She gave me wings and taught me to soar so I could better see the landscape. I am forever grateful. And also, happy to share this resource with my community. To borrow at item, please use this contact form. If you'd like assistance with tightening an argument for your paper, speech or letter, let me know. I offer than service as well.

Immigration and Refugees

Human Rights and Refugee Protection: Self-study Module 5, Vol. II. 2006. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 207 pages.

There Are Alternatives: A handbook for Preventing Unnecessary Immigration Detention. 2011. International Detention Coalition, Melbourne, Australia. (Human rights for detained refugees, asylum seekers and migrants.) 78 pages.

General Human Rights, Peacebuilding & Resilience

UNHCR Manual of Self-Reliance, Employment and Microfinance: Operational Guidelines for Developing a Self-Reliance Strategy in Refugee and Returnee Situations. 1997. United Nations High Commission on Refugees. 194 pages.

The Right to Food: A Fundamental Human Right Affirmed by the United Nations and Recognized in Regional Treaties and Numerous National Constitutions. 2005. Prepared by Christope Golay, adviser to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. 54 pages.

The Right to Health: A Fundamental Human Right Affirmed by the United Nations and Recognized in Regional Treaties and Numerous National Constitutions. 2006. Prepared by Melik Ozden, director of the Europe-Third World Centre's Human Rights Program. 63 pages.

A Faith That Does Justice: The Journey of the World Council of Churches from Porto Algere to Busan. 2013. World Council of Churches. 62 pages.

Re-Thinking Gender in Peacebuilding. 2014. International Alert. 28 pages.

Health as a Bridge for Peace: Integrating Peace-Building and Health in Conflict Situations. Department of Emergency and Humanitarian Action, World Health Organization. (Brochure)

A Life-Cycle Approach to Rights and Action. International Labor Organization. (Brochure)

Food Security & Climate Change

More and Better Food: Farming, Climate Change, Health and the AIDS Epidemic. 2011. Anne Bayley and Mogove Walter Nyika for The Strategies for Hope Trust, UK. 88 pages.

5 Steps / 5 Years to Solar Cooking: Programs for Governments, Community Groups, Businesses, Health Agencies, Schools and Youth Agencies. Solar Cookers International. (Brochure)

Sexual & Reproductive Health / Gender

What Does the United Nations Mean to Women? An NGO View. 1985. United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service. 67 pages.

Women's Health: Across Age and Frontier. 1992. World Health Organization. 107 Pages.

Putting Women First: Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Research on Domestic Violence Against Women. 2003. World Health Organization. 31 pages.

Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health Through Research: An Investment for the Future. 2004. World Health Organization. 29 pages.

Valuing Women's Employment: Crucial Issues for the 21st Century. 1995. International Labor Organization. 24 pages.

Women are the Fabric: Reproductive Health for Communities in Crisis. 2006. United Nations Population Fund.

Promoting Sexual Health and Reproductive health for Persons with Disabilities. 2009. World Health Organization. 34 pages.

Women and Health: Today's Evidence, Tomorrow's Agenda. 2009. World Health Organization. 91 pages.

Global Strategy to Stop Health-Care Providers from Performing Female Genital Mutilation. 2010. World Health Organization. 18 pages.

Ensuring Human Rights in the Provision of Contraceptive Information and Services: Guidance and Recommendations. 2014. World Health Organization. 26 pages.

Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Human Rights: A Toolbox for Examining Laws, Regulations and Policies. 2014. World Health Organization. 106 pages.

Sexual Health, Human Rights and The Law. 2015. World Health Organization. 66 pages.

Ensuring Human Rights Within Contraceptive Service Delivery: Implementation Guide. 2015. World Health Organization. 53 pages.

WHO Guidelines on the Management of Health Complications from Female Genital Mutilation. World Health Organization. 2016. 47 pages.

Women's Education and Fertility Behavior: Recent Evidence from the Demographic and Health Surveys. 1995. United Nations. 113 pages.

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