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The Mighty Dandelion: March Plant of the Month

"--What's you're weed control strategy?

--We eat them."

Who: Weed Lovers

What: Dandelion Investigation

When: Sunday, March 20 4:00-6:00OPM

Where: Cowiche Canyon Guest House (Naches Heights: 261 Ehler Rd, 98908) Why: "The entire plant including the roots, stems, flowers, and leaves is all edible; if it was the only plant available, dandelion has everything required for a human to survive."

How Much: Free! (Donations cheefully accepted. See our wish list.)

How to Participate: Email to reserve your spot.

Taraxacum officinale - the dandelion

Haslinger Botanische Wandtafeln

"Dandelions have been used as a spring tonic since before the written word."

--Katrina Blair

And for good reason. They're packed with vitamins and minerals and support a wide range of basic biological functions. Come share what you know, learn a bit more, and introduce your tastebuds this high-powered spring gift. Whether you're eating them fresh while out on a walk or gathering in bulk to use in wine, dinner, medicine, body care or candy, there are endless ways to introduce this wonderful wild weed for overvall health and vitality.

Participants will:


dandelion salad

dandelion jelly

dandelion ice cream

dandelion lemonade

dandelion root tea

dandelion salve

Take Home:

recipes for all of the above

ideas for how to incorporate greens into your routine

Email us to RSVP.

All ages are welcome.

***All quotes are from Katrina Blair's book, The Wild Wisdom of Weeds

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