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Monday Metta Makeover

Who: Adults and teens of all genders, shapes & colors

What: A session dedicated to self love, inside and out.

When: Monday, April 4, 6:30-8:00PM

Where: Cowiche Canyon Guest House (in Naches Heights, 261 Ehler Rd, 98908)

Why: Everthing stems from our relationship with self.

Cost: Free! (Donations cheerfully accepted.)

How: RSVP. Wear comfy clothes that roll up past knees and elbows.

May all beings be happy, may all beings be free.

Compassion for others begins with compassion for self.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

So often we say these things, yet how rarely we actually make the time to act on them.

This is an opportunity for us to make time for ourselves; to step outside our usual routine and to offer attention and care to our own needs. It's also a chance to experience an earth-based makeover and learn how to make all-natural products at home.

To set the mood:

We'll begin with 10 minutes of guided lovingkindess meditation.

(Never done it? Don't be nervious. It's basically just sending kind thoughts to yourself in your current condition.)

The comes the body care portion:

  • First, give yourself a gentle facial scrub with Miracle Grains (Rosemary Gladstone's recipe, made with our flowers).

  • Then enjoy a cup of our house tea blend (green tea, apple mint, catnip, mullein), an herbal foot soak and a nourishing face mask.

  • Finally, seal in the glow with a rich face cream, brow or beard balm, and lavender-tea tree lip balm.

The goal is to foster a peaceful, loving relationship with ourselves--inside and out--so that our relationships with others will also be peaceful and loving.

Participants will receive recipes for all the products used.

Space for this event is limited to 8. Please RSVP to help us prepare.

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DIY + DIT is our motto because we believe that both approaches are necessary and  uniquely rewarding. To maximize learning and access to our programs, we do our best to keep costs low. Donations of any amount help make that possible. Thank you for supporting our work!      

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